After days tak jumpa and that was what I get from you?! Geramnya. Always kena marah. Always. You think I'm your little sister ke apa. This guy kan, memang tak pernah nak bagi chance langsung. At least dah few days tak jumpa tu, of course I was expecting something nice and sweet. At least something like "i miss you" ke. But boy, I was disappointed. Knowing he's that kind (kerek and ego) of guy, I still can expect those sweet surprises from you. Oh come on Anis!!! Macam kena tembak bertubi-tubi. Almost everything that I said and done semua salah. I repeat, almost everything. I was told that I'm being too over childish. and I always act without thinking. and the list goes on. 

I don't know what kind of relationship I'm in if everything that I do, is wrong. My friend once told me, susah (not saying its impossible) nak stay forever happily ever after with a guy you've known before he started his working life. cuz eventually things will change. they way we think will change, we started looking things in different manner. different ways of thinking la senang cerita. maybe last time i see all the good things in you, maybe next few years i see little of good things and more to the other side of you. people change. that's what they said. and i can feel that its happening to me right now.

if its a wrong thing for me to do, why can't you correct me. even if its for the hundredths of time. instead of you yelling and membebel. i too have feelings. if you're tired of me, just say it. 

maybe I just want someone who would understand me. who would ask me whats wrong and why I'm acting this way. You can't just push me doing the right thing without knowing how I exactly feel right now.  I'm trying my best to understand you and why can't you...?


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