Blending In

I always thought I will have no problem blending in. Especially with my colleagues. I always thought its easy like saying "Hi". It is easy to greet and initiate small conversation but I forgot to consider on the possibilities of the other person might be comfortable or not with the things I said. Hmm. 

I am doing my internship in AirAsia. Everything is fine except it is so hard to make conversation with my Supervisor. Maybe she had this thought of colleagues shall remain as colleagues and nothing more. Shes my superior and of course I respect her but being friends and let the ice broken between us wont change a thing right? She got nothing to lose anyway. I noticed cuz when shes talking to my other colleagues, she laughed and talked about other things besides work. This is just a confession of a girl who just started working haha.

And I noticed that maybe I was trying too hard to blend in with the superiors when there should be a gap between us? I have no idea honestly. Its Airasia for god sake. Even Tony talks and sits and jokes with his employees. Come on... :/


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