honesty is the best policy

so its true they say.. honesty is the best policy. and I'm glad we did the talking. It was so hard for me to put my feelings into words but I did. My hands were so cold just before I could tell him what I really felt all this while. Good thing he understands how I feel. Dalam relationship ni, kena la ada give and take. I know he's been busy with workloads and that he have other commitment to be prioritized, BUT its not wrong for him to at least make me feel right and secure kan? We never know what might happen tomorrow so sebab tu la we have to really make use of the time we have today, now at this exact moment cuz every minute counts. True ey? Dan kadang-kadang, all we want in a relationship is the presence. Be it physically or even emotionally. Dua dua tu penting actually but as for me, emotionally tu is what matter the most. And thats when LDR works  best. Acknowledgment tu yang penting. I don't need all those pricy presents/treats (most of the time :p ) but cukup la if I know you will always love me no matter what. Despite my size and my background. He he he. Siapa yang tak nak healthy relationship, even after you know you're his/hers, its never wrong to stay being who you are just the way you want him/her to treat you. Before and after you get her heart. Always remember that she felt for the one who treats her the way a girl should be treated. So why should you change the way you treat her? I'm not being emotional here... Just stating what I feel. And girls, same goes to you, treat the one you love the way you want to be treated :)


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